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Nigerian-dating: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


Nigerian-dating is a dating app designed to help Nigerians find true love. It was launched in 2018 and has quickly become one of the most popular apps for singles looking for relationships in Nigeria. The platform boasts over 500,000 active users from all around the world who are seeking out meaningful connections with other like-minded individuals. Nigerian-dating caters to both heterosexuals and homosexuals, as well as those interested in interracial or international relationships.

The app offers many features that make it stand out among its competitors including an advanced search function which allows users to filter potential matches based on their interests and preferences; a messaging system where conversations can be held securely without any third party interference; video chat capabilities so you can get up close and personal with your match before meeting them face-to-face; detailed profile pages that allow you to learn more about each user’s personality traits before deciding if they’re right for you; virtual gifts which give people another way of expressing themselves when words just aren’t enough!

Nigerian Dating is owned by Cupid Media Pty Ltd., an Australian company specializing in online dating services across five continents worldwide: Australia, Europe, North America, South America & Africa – making it one of the largest networks available today! While there are some paid premium features such as additional filters or boosts during peak hours – overall use of this service remains free allowing anyone regardless of financial status access these amazing tools at no cost whatsoever!

To register on Nigerian Dating simply download either our Android App (available via Google Play Store) or iOS version (Apple App Store). After creating your account fill out all required fields ensuring accuracy while also providing sufficient information regarding yourself so others may gain insight into what type person they might be interacting with should they choose message/connect with you directly through our site’s interface!.

How Does Nigerian-dating Work?

The Nigerian-dating app is a revolutionary platform that connects people from all over the world. It allows users to find potential matches based on their interests, hobbies and other criteria. The app also provides an array of features such as instant messaging, photo sharing and video chatting which make it easier for singles to connect with each other in real time. Users can easily search through profiles by age range, gender or location using advanced filters so they can quickly find someone who meets their preferences. Additionally, the app offers access to millions of active members from Nigeria alone – making it one of the largest dating platforms in Africa!

Finding compatible partners on this dating site is simple; you just need to create your profile first then start searching for potential matches according to your desired parameters like age group or geographical region (e.g., Lagos). You will be able view different user’s photos along with detailed information about them before deciding whether you want contact them further or not – giving users complete control over whom they interact with online safely and securely without any risk involved whatsoever! Moreover there are many types of users registered on this website including those looking for serious relationships leading towards marriage as well casual flings depending upon individual preference – thus catering every type possible requirement when it comes finding love online!. Furthermore there are more than 5 million active members across five countries: Nigeria , Ghana , Cameroon , Benin Republic & Ivory Coast ; thereby providing plenty options choose from no matter where reside geographically speaking !

  • 1.Secure Messaging: Nigerian-dating provides a secure messaging system to ensure that all conversations between users remain private and confidential.
  • 2. Matchmaking System: The site’s matchmaking algorithm helps members find compatible partners based on their preferences and interests.
  • 3. Photo Verification: All photos uploaded by members are verified for authenticity, so you can be sure the person you’re talking to is who they say they are!
  • 4. Video Chatting Feature: Members can take advantage of video chatting feature which allows them to get acquainted with potential matches before taking things further in real life meetings or dates .
  • 5. Activity Feeds & Notifications : Keep up with what other singles near your area have been doing recently through activity feeds as well as notifications about new messages, profile views etc .
  • 6 Customized Search Filters : Use advanced search filters such as age range , location , hobbies/interests etc.,to narrow down your list of potential matches quickly

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Nigerian-dating app is a simple process. First, users will need to provide basic information such as their name, age and gender. They can then create an account by entering an email address and creating a password for security purposes. After submitting these details, they will be asked to upload a profile picture before being able to access the site’s features like messaging other members or searching through profiles of potential matches based on preferences set in advance (e.g., location). The minimum required age for dating on this app is 18 years old and registration is free of charge so anyone interested in finding love online can join without having any financial burden whatsoever!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Full name
  • 3. Date of birth
  • 4. Gender identity (optional)
  • 5. Mobile phone number (optional)
  • 6. Residential address or city/town location
  • 7. Username and password for login purposes 8 . Agreement to the terms and conditions

Design and Usability of Nigerian-dating

The Nigerian-dating app has a bright and modern design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The profiles of other users can be easily found by searching through categories such as age, location or interests. The usability is great; it’s intuitive to use and navigate around the app without any difficulty. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are some additional features available for those who do upgrade their account.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Nigerian-dating is generally quite good. Most profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, but users have the option to set their profile as private or visible only to certain people. It’s possible for users to customize their bio with a short description of themselves, which helps other members get an idea of who they’re talking too before messaging them. There isn’t a “friends” feature like some dating sites offer, however there is still plenty of opportunity for interaction between members in various ways such as through chat rooms and forums.

Privacy settings available on Nigerian-dating include the ability to hide your location info from others if desired; this includes hiding your city name so that it cannot be seen by any other user even when you search nearby locations using filters provided within the app/website itself . The distance between two users will not appear either unless both parties agree upon sharing this information first via direct message or otherwise agreed method outside of Nigerian-Dating platform . Additionally , there are no fake accounts allowed due sign up process requiring valid email address verification plus Google / Facebook sign -in options also help reduce chances fraudulent activity occurring online .

Finally , premium subscription plans provide additional benefits including more detailed profile views (including seeing full list interests ) , increased visibility among other singles in local area , access special discounts at partner businesses etcetera – all helping give subscribers better chance finding perfect match while utilizing services offered here !


Nigerian-dating is a popular online dating platform that has both website and app versions. The site provides an easy to use interface for singles looking for love in Nigeria. It offers various features such as instant messaging, profile creation, photo sharing and advanced search options which make it easier to find potential matches based on interests or location. The main advantages of Nigerian-dating are its large user base, wide range of communication tools and affordability compared with other similar sites. On the downside, there have been reports about fake profiles created by scammers trying to take advantage of users’ trustfulness so one should be cautious when using this service.

The difference between the Nigerian-dating website version and mobile application lies mainly in convenience – while accessing the web page requires a computer or laptop connected to internet connection; downloading an app allows you access your account from anywhere at any time via smartphone device only requiring data/WiFi connection . At present however there is no official dating site available from Nigerian-Dating due their focus being primarily on providing free chat services through their existing platforms rather than creating additional ones dedicated solely towards matchmaking purposes

Safety & Security

Nigerian-dating takes the security of its users very seriously. They have a number of measures in place to ensure that all accounts are verified and genuine, so members can be sure they’re talking to real people. All new user profiles must go through an extensive verification process before being approved, which includes verifying their identity via email or phone number and uploading photos for manual review by moderators. This helps prevent bots from creating fake accounts on the platform as well as protecting against scammers who may try to take advantage of unsuspecting users online. Nigerian-dating also offers two-factor authentication (2FA) for added protection when logging into your account – this requires you enter both your username/password plus another form of identification such as a code sent via text message or generated using an app like Google Authenticator before gaining access.

The privacy policy at Nigerian dating is designed with respect for individual rights in mind – it outlines how data collected about each member will be used and stored securely, ensuring that no personal information is shared without explicit consent from the user firstly given beforehand. It also states what kind of content should not be posted on the site; anything deemed offensive or inappropriate will result in immediate suspension without warning until further investigation has been conducted if necessary

Pricing and Benefits

Nigerian-dating is a popular online dating app that allows users to meet and connect with potential partners. The app offers both free and paid subscriptions, so it’s up to the user whether they want to pay for additional features or use the basic version of the app.

The free version of Nigerian-dating provides access to all its core features such as creating an account, browsing profiles, sending messages etc., but does not include any advanced options like viewing who has viewed your profile or seeing if someone read your message. To get these extra benefits you need a premium subscription which costs $9 per month (or $50 for 6 months). This pricing makes Nigerian-Dating competitive in comparison with other similar apps on the market.

Premium subscribers also receive exclusive discounts when purchasing gifts from within the platform – another incentive for those looking at taking their relationship further than just chatting online!

If you decide that you no longer wish to continue using Nigerian Dating after signing up then there are several ways in which you can cancel your subscription: either through emailing customer service directly or by logging into your account settings and cancelling it yourself – whichever way suits best! Refunds will be given depending on how long ago cancellation was requested; usually refunds are issued within 7 days but this may vary according case by case basis.

Overall, while having a paid subscription isn’t necessary on Nigeria Dating since most of its main functions can be accessed without one – paying members do benefit from some added perks like being able view who has visited their profile page & receiving special discounts when buying gifts via platform . Therefore if users feel comfortable spending money then getting a premium membership could potentially help them find more success in finding love through this website!

Help & Support

Nigerian-dating is a great platform for connecting with people from all over the world. It provides users with an easy way to meet new friends and potential partners, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where to turn if you have any questions or need help. Fortunately, there are several ways that Nigerian-dating offers support in order for its members to get the most out of their experience on the site.

The first option available is through email contact; this allows users who have queries about how best use Nigerian-dating’s features or encounter technical issues while using it access direct assistance from customer service representatives at any time of day or night. Generally speaking, response times vary depending on what type of query has been sent but they usually range between 24 hours and 48 hours after submission – although more urgent requests may receive faster attention than others do.

Finally, those seeking quick answers might want take advantage of Nigeria dating’s FAQ page which contains useful information related common topics such as account management and security tips as well other helpful advice like how start conversations online safely without compromising personal details . This section also includes links further resources should anyone require additional guidance when navigating around website .


1. Is Nigerian-dating safe?

Nigerian-dating can be a safe experience if you take the necessary precautions. It is important to remember that although there are many legitimate online dating sites, there are also some scammers who use these websites as well. To ensure your safety when using Nigerian-dating sites, it is best to do research on any potential matches before meeting them in person or engaging in conversations with them online. Additionally, make sure not to share too much personal information until you feel comfortable doing so and always meet someone from an online dating site in a public place for the first time. Finally, never send money or give out financial details such as credit card numbers over the internet unless you know and trust the recipient of this information completely. By following these tips and taking appropriate measures while participating in Nigerian-dating activities will help keep yourself safe while enjoying all that this type of social networking has to offer!

2. Is Nigerian-dating a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Nigerian-dating is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2005 and provides an online platform for Nigerians to connect with each other. The website allows people from all over the world to meet singles who are looking for love, friendship or just someone to talk to. Users can create profiles that include photos and personal information such as age, location and interests in order to find potential matches based on their criteria. In addition, they can use advanced search filters such as gender preference or distance range when searching through the database of available members on the site. Furthermore, there are also various features like chat rooms where users can interact directly with one another in a safe environment before deciding if they want take things further by meeting up offline or continuing communication via email/messaging platforms outside of Nigerian-dating’s services

3. How to use Nigerian-dating app?

Using a Nigerian-dating app is easy and straightforward. To get started, you will need to download the app from your device’s respective store (Apple App Store or Google Play). Once installed, open the application and create an account with your email address. You can then start browsing profiles of other users in order to find potential matches that meet your criteria. After finding someone who interests you, send them a message expressing interest in getting to know them better; if they respond positively, continue chatting until both parties are comfortable enough for meeting up face-to-face.

When going on dates through this platform it’s important to remember safety first: always meet at public places such as restaurants or parks where there are plenty of people around should anything go wrong during the date itself – don’t forget about telling friends/family members where you’re headed beforehand! Lastly but not leastly have fun while using these apps – after all dating should be enjoyable experience no matter what route one takes!

4. Is Nigerian-dating free?

Nigerian-dating is a free online dating service that allows people to connect with other singles from Nigeria and around the world. It offers its users an easy way to meet new friends, find dates, and even start long-term relationships. The website has many features including chat rooms, private messaging systems, photo galleries for profile pictures as well as advanced search options so you can easily find someone who matches your interests. Nigerian-dating also provides safety tips on how to protect yourself when meeting someone in person or online which makes it a great choice for those looking for love in Nigeria or abroad. With all these features available at no cost it’s no wonder why this site continues to be one of the most popular choices among Nigerians seeking romance!

5. Is Nigerian-dating working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Nigerian-dating is working and you can find someone there. The website has a large user base with thousands of members from all over the world looking for love and companionship. It provides an easy way to connect with other singles who share similar interests or backgrounds as yours. With its simple search features, it allows users to narrow down their choices quickly so they can easily find someone that fits their criteria in no time at all. You have access to detailed profiles which allow you to get a better understanding of potential matches before deciding if they are right for you or not. Additionally, the site offers helpful advice on how best to approach dating online safely while also providing safety tips when meeting up offline with people met through the website’s services.


In conclusion, Nigerian-dating is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are intuitive and user friendly, making it easy to navigate around. Safety and security features ensure that users can feel safe while using the platform. Help & support services provide quick responses when needed, ensuring any queries or issues are dealt with quickly by their helpful team of experts. User profile quality is also good as profiles contain enough information about each person so you can get an idea if they’re compatible before contacting them directly on the site/app itself. All in all this makes Nigerian-Dating a great choice for anyone who wants to meet new people online!

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Author Ryan Hill

Ryan Hill is a relationship and online dating expert based in California. With a passion for helping people find love and lasting relationships, Ryan is dedicated to helping singles navigate the often confusing and complicated world of online dating. With a background in psychology, Ryan combines his understanding of relationships with the latest research to provide valuable advice on how to find true love online. He has been featured in various media outlets and is a sought-after speaker on the topics of online dating and relationships.

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